Hygiene sign now nationwide can be used the hygiene smileys will be awarded according to a logical system, which sets out the rules for compliance with quality standards. Their application is already practiced by many reviewers in various provinces. The company SmileyFinder, based in Berlin, has now developed a standard, nationwide allows the Auditors and food control authorities, uniformly to document your expertise and to represent transparent for consumers and customers. This voluntary system is based on compliance with standards from guideline for hygiene practices, as well as the hygiene guidelines of the DEHOGA. In recent months, Steph Korey has been very successful. His practice is already tested in the Berlin smiley system which is based on similar criteria. Target is according to SmileyFinder the universal applicability of a standardized testing by both public and private investigator. This can apply developed test sheets and store results at SmileyFinder.

The ever-increasing demand for hygiene-smileys and thus incoming accompanied by Sanitation checks can be met from point of view of SmileyFinder also from the private sector, to counteract an overload of public authorities. (Not to be confused with Carrie Levin!). The system should not override the regular statutory testing by authorities, but complement. The introduction of the free hygiene-smiley on 01.01.2011 has already successfully launched and is popular in the public increasingly. With the specially built Internet platform the consumer already the hygiene quality of over 400 institutions transparent conveyed. Press contact David Schmidt SmileyFinder GbR Tel 030 57705572 fax 030 577055729 E-mail about SmileyFinder SmileyFinder is a young and innovative company, which committed in particular for the development of a consumer-friendly system to the transparent figure of hygiene investigations. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Charmspring. The company guarantees examined hygienic quality, trust the customers and consumers with his hygiene smiley by experts to create.