Significant infidelity, differences, traumatic stages of the life, events, answers to prolonged periods of stress and boredom are between the main causes for the divorce, but in different circumstances and with particular common aspects. As certainly even you do not live in an emptiness, so you must contribute to everything what it surrounds to you. Without a doubt, the changes in the society, the rolls of sort, the integration of the community, the values, the beliefs and the law, everything have an impact. Some of the most frequent causes of divorce are: AdulterioComportamiento irracionalDesercin of at least two aosSeparacin of at least two years as agreement between parejT and your esposa/o has lived separated during at least five years. Which are the most common causes for the divorce? Perhaps you are desperate to find out what caused that your married relation finished in divorce. You would do well in not preocuparte for that reason. You will need much energy to do in front of the changes that are approached. We have enumerated the main causes of divorce, although they ten in account that this will not be used you for recuperarte as this difficult stage.
* Infidelity, including the relations in Internet. * Significant differences in values and beliefs. * The oldness and the stages of the life that have happened already * Traumatic events and/or changes of life. Often these are tragic causes of divorce. * Prolonged periods of stress, such as the stress related to the work. * Prolonged stages of stress such as the stress related to the work, in the long term, by questions of disease, mental health, financial problems, etc. * Important emotional needs that they are not fulfilling. * The boredom with the relation or the life. * To deal to the others with scorn.