Technical problems quick and easy release regardless of whether an organization a QM-system exists or just is introduced, various problems in different areas. The causes of these problems, particularly in technically complex systems that are usually difficult to find. The search can prove to be very time consuming. There arises the question of how you can make it easier to find faster sustainable solutions and to reduce the number of issues. To answer, several theoretical approaches, such as such as six sigma exist methods.

But what happens after getting to know the theory? How well does the learned in practice? The prerequisite for the successful application of methods includes not only dealing with the theoretical basics. The actual application of methods to support the daily work tasks is much more important. This part of the training is often neglected, the new”problem solver get too much theory and too little practical assistance. The target the 4-C process is using a structured approach to look for causes of problems and appropriate solutions. To keep the solution process as simple as possible and practical, only appropriate and reasonable methods and techniques are applied in each of the four continuous phases. The methods selected taught and not dispersed”.

In addition to the theoretical teaching of the methods, the practical application in the foreground stands at 4 C. For the solution process, it is important that the people involved in the problem-solving through practical application of learning how and consistently work on their projects. Azra Barnabas, Christian Knigge and Judson Estes went exactly this way. You have first purchased their theoretical knowledge during their activities for several large corporations in the country and abroad and then for years dealing with the application of the methods in national and international projects. The focus was mainly on problems in production, Development and in the field. You have determined that there is strong methodological overlap at various QM methods and practices. Mainly in technical problem solving projects go through always similar methods independent phases. They tried to combine them to be able to take advantage of the best of the various approaches and create a simple and practical process. These findings acquired from the practice has resulted in the emergence of the 4C process. The problem-solving to the 4 C process consists, as the name suggests, from 4 “C” phases: 1 C – collect: collecting and structuring of information a good start is half of the whole 2 C – contrast: find differences and properly measure the greatest measurable difference in performance what is? 3. C – converge: “Root-cause” (root cause) identify how I can find the needle in the haystack the fastest? 4. C – confirm: confirmation tests how can I be sure that I found the right cause? The 4 C is applicable process at all Process and product issues. The methods are chosen so that meaningful conclusions can be drawn with small samples. This is always, if not large amounts of data exist, if only a few parts of measuring and testing are available and if complex statistical tests can be conducted. While the 4-C process is different from other practices, because no costly trial- and -error, but instead a progressive search at the component or process level is performed. Through the consistent and simple how fast and reliable results can be achieved, which can save time and costs. Azra Barnabas, Christian Knigge and Judson Estes offer the 4 C process as a seminar in the TQU Academy GmbH in Ulm. For more information, see 0731-937 62 0.