On the other hand, in 1996, Brazil had assumed commitments from the World-wide Cupola of Feeding. The actions developed for the government Squid, in these last eight years, already had made difference, despite still it has very to make. Comparing itself given of 2004 and 2009, it can be festejar the progressos in the fight against the serious and moderate alimentary unreliability. In 2004, it had 14,9 million people in situation of serious alimentary unreliability, what it corresponded 8.2% of the Brazilian population. the place to go. Between 2004 and 2009, this number was reduced in 24,83% since the refined numbers in this as period point 11,2 million in serious alimentary unreliability, corresponding 5.8% of the Brazilian population. As for the moderate alimentary unreliability, in 2004, it had 20,6 million in situation of moderate alimentary unreliability, what it corresponded 20.3% of the Brazilian population.
Between 2004 and 2009, this number was reduced in 30,58% already that the refined numbers in this as period point 14,3 million in moderate alimentary unreliability, corresponding 7.4% of the Brazilian population. It has despite to consider the light alimentary unreliability, whose numbers had been extended in this exactly period, being able itself to assume that people who if found in serious or moderate alimentary unreliability they had passed to this band. In 2004, it had 36,9 million in situation of light alimentary unreliability, what it corresponded 20.3% of the Brazilian population. Between 2004 and 2009, this number it was extended in 8,67% since the refined numbers in this as period point 40.1 million in light alimentary unreliability. In a period of time of ten years, 26.1 million had left its condition of poverty, possibly, having ascended to the middle class.
The poor persons in 2000 were 57 million and today, 2010, they are 30,9 million. Data of the ONU point that, for the first time in 15 years, the global hunger diminished. Data divulged for the FAO point a reduction of 9.6% in the number of malnourished that it was below of the symbolic number? a billion? reaching 925 million people. In world-wide terms, the alert FAO that the world is far from reaching first amongst the calls the Goals of the Millenium, that foresees the reduction of the subnutrio in developing countries of 20% in period 1990-1992 for 10% in 2015. Currently, this world-wide index is in 16%, whereas in 2009 it was in 18%. As for the Objectives of Development of the Millenium, Brazil can commemorate therefore already reached the goal proposal for 2015 as for the reduction of the hunger. In its first speech, after elect, the President Dilma Roussef placed the eradication of the hunger as its bigger priority. According to specialists of the sector, this goal is possible in the measure where already it has a part of the covered way. Today, the federal government has 12,7 million the inserted families in the Program Stock market Family? to a cost of 13,4 billion; moreover, during the government Squid they had been created 14 million formal jobs and the minimum wage had an increase 53% above of the inflation. /a>. The necessary measures for the eradication proposal must be of two orders: magnifying of the Program Stock market Family? that it would need to receive an injection from resources the order from the 21 billion; continuation of the magnifying of ranks of formal job, beyond the persistence in professional qualification.