But, over all what for all part he is identical is proper pensamen it to you, they are the intellectual operations meant and synthecized in siste them to me of scientific truths: in all the places and always, without great difficulty, the men of all the races arrive to understand themselves and to communicate, ones to the others, its intellectual patrimony, establishing an equivalence between its languages. The only explicativa hypothesis of this fact is the specific unit of the humanity, being on the diversity of the languages to the individual differences, socialized for the races and naes.’ ‘ (RIBOT, P. 81 apud MELO, 2009). Each language possesss its particularitities, and its lingusticos signs determined by historical favors, however since most complex until simplest it has the same objective: simply to communicate, the fact of that exactly different they are part of an identical set. But we cannot forget that for each language a set of factors exists diversify that them. Origin of the Portuguese Language the origin of the Portuguese Language is related with the historical events that if had occurred in the Iberian Peninsula, not if it knows to certain which were the inhabitants before the arrival of the Romans, between them are cited iberian, celtas, fencios, Greeks and cartagineses, as the time gave origin to it of a new people the celtiberos calls. But the fencios, the Greeks and the cartagineses if had established in the colonies, these last ones intended to take possetion of the Peninsula the celtiberos had asked for aid to the Romans.
With the aid of Rome the cartagineses had in such a way dominated the Peninsula in the aspect politician-military man how much in cultural aspect, nominated in what it respects to the language. The Latin civilization was establishing through the opening of schools, construction of roads and temples, for the incrementao of the commerce, beyond other services. Consequentemente, its language, the Latin became indispensable and obligator. ‘ ‘ However, the Latin of the soldiers was the call? Latin vulgar’ ‘ , it was not the same of the writers. With this the Arab people, throughout more than the seven centuries of peninsular occupation one strong influence in the call galaico-Portuguese, common lingustica expression to the Galiza and Portugal. The measure that Portugal widened its domnios for South, continued absorbing speeches that they existed there, consequentemente, was being differentiated of Gallego, until will consist as independent languages: Gallego finished for being absorbed by the Castilian unit, and the Portuguese, continuing its evolution, would become it language of a nation.
FINAL CONSIDERAES Perceiving to be the language a phenomenon of communication of ideas, feelings, perceptions of the reality, emotions, note that its origin elapses of a social fact: the necessity of the interpersonal communication. Independent of its origin to be onomatopica, as mere repetition of the perceived sounds, it is noticed influence of the social environment, and therefore of history, so that it had the formation of the language. Already the language can be understood as a study, a reflection on the existence, conditions, ways and forms of existence them languages, allowing a posterior study of a intrinsicamente human phenomenon: the communication of the consciences. REFERENCES ROSENSTOCK, Huessy, Eugen. The origin of the Language. Rio De Janeiro: Record, 2002. HOUAISS, Antonio. VILLAR, Mauro de Salles. Minidicionrio Houaiss of the Portuguese language.