Basically States that when a person carries out an activity driven by intrinsic motivation and receives some reward (motivating extrinsic) it causes a decrease in the initial intrinsic motivation. The most common explanation for the phenomenon indicates that adding external compensation (rewards), the individual begins to perceive that their behavior is controlled from the outside, by others (the licensors of the reward). This adversely affects their self-determination and resents their intrinsic motivation. THE establishment of METASEDWIN LOCKE theory) L to the goal setting theory emphasizes the motivating role of specific goals in the behavior of the individual. A goal is whatever an individual strives to achieve.

At equal other conditions (capacity, knowledge of the task, attractive rewards, availability of resources), a worker with clear goals will have a better performance than another does not have them, or whose targets are diffuse. So that the goals can act as incentive motivation must have some degree of difficulty (with very low goals or too much difficulty not operating how motivating), should be specific (indicate clearly and precisely what is what you want to achieve). Specific and difficult goals awaken desire to reach it (intensity of motivation), they guide the conduct in a particular direction (direction) and stimulate the persistence over time, until the goal is achieved. MIHLY CSiKSZENTMIHLYI’s flow theory) the theory of flow is an attempt of explanation of what happens when an activity causes in the individual a feeling so pleasant that the person made it, even though you have a high degree of difficulty, for the pure pleasure of doing so. Such a State of absolute and pleasant concentration is called flujoy when people experience is too deeply absorbed in what you are doing, pays exclusive attention to the task and its consciousness merges with their acts. The attention is so focused that the person lost the notion of time and space.