Experts warn of further disasters in Germany and Europe it is no longer as cold as for almost 50 years. Raging blizzards and dangerous lightning ice again paralyze the entire traffic. Thousands of accidents, and many of them with death consequences, shocking the nation. After this long winter of catastrophes, more and more citizens wondering whether our climate is to save. Experts warn of more disasters by global warming the atmosphere has saved much more heat. Extreme weather events are result: unbearable heat waves on the southern hemisphere, and freezing temperatures at us. In the future this scenario will worsen even further, if we do not finally intervene in this warming mechanism and protect our Earth. CyberBeauty – the Advisor from the future, the greatest threat to the future is man himself.
And exactly why the author in the future was abducted, to learn the truth about the human catastrophe. How many other kidnapped scientists, celebrities and individuals from the author met the public with her book CyberBeauty”their personal mission: saving humanity from extinction. If this mission is actually crowned by success, first and foremost also depends of the work of the media. The more people will learn about the threat through the global disaster, the more people will survive it eventually. CyberBeauty – the incredible abduction in the distant future novel BoD bestselling author Vanessa Halen + EXTRA guides in the annex ISBN 3-8334-5295-1 132 pages with many artistic color pages 15.90 euro free eBooks, free sample and learn more