Over the past few years, Kazakhstan has reached a new level in many respects. This helped stabilize the economy of not only Kazakhstan, but also many other important sectors of the country. Among the big pluses Development of Kazakhstan reduced the cost of services providing access to the Internet. While Internet access in Kazakhstan is one of the most expensive among the other CIS countries and the West. Back in early 2006, Prime Republic criticized the high tariffs for connecting to the Internet. And only now finally a distinct decrease in tariffs for access to the Internet.

If you look in general, in Kazakhstan, has everything successful operation of e-business: modern communications equipment and channels, the average wealth of Kazakhstan is gradually increasing; West, recognizing Kazakhstan, invests in various sectors a lot of money, a private business is growing quite steadily, low-cost entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the development of GDP over the past years, Kazakhstan has emerged in all the world leaders. According to nekazahstanskih companies telecommunications market in Kazakhstan is growing more rapidly than we are, of Kazakhstan, see it. But you must admit is just us and you can see the realities of this market. If we examine Kaznet, the picture obtained fairly sad. Of all the 'range' systems of business on the Internet is: internet exchanges (B2B) 1-2 pcs. Internet auctions (C2C) – 2-3 pc., Online retailers (B2C) – 20-25 pcs. Among the online retailers in Kazakhstan, 70% belong to companies, geographically located in the southern capital, Almaty, 20% – are located in Astana and only 10% in other cities.