Online bids at the stamp auction on May 18, 2013 means it again bidding!”for the connoisseurs and collectors in the area stamps, then the third stamp auction held 2013 in the Bonn auction and trading house for stamps and coins. For all philatelists who want to offer their stamps and collections on a stamp auction, is the submission deadline of 29 March 2013. The Dr. Reinhard Fischer auction and trading houses for the stamp auction informs online now on about the end of a stamp auction, as well as about the different ways of placing bids. Services for providers and offering bids can leave stamp auction connoisseurs and collectors for the stamp auction via the bid form, which is available on the website of the auction and trading house in PDF format available. Also, the bid fees by phone, via the online catalogue or personally on the spot are possible on the day of the auction.

The catalog of the postage stamps and Stamp collections, for which at the stamp auction bids can be made, can be obtained online. About the stamps, there is also additional information about the origin. As opposed to the purchase of postage stamps, philatelists by the stamp auction achieve highest possible prices for their stamps and collections because they made a large audience of connoisseurs and collectors worldwide available. Safety is the first commandment, which applies both in relation to the offering and the provider. The stamps and collections, a provider to the auction and trading house for a stamp auction passes, are insured as of the time of delivery. Offering get a bidder number printed on a card to participate in the stamp auction. Auction and trading house in Bonn stamp auction and stamp purchase on the company’s Web site informed the Dr. Reinhard Fischer auction and trading house for stamps and coins with headquarters in Bonn about the next date of the Stamp auction. Still, philatelists in addition to the stamp auction have also the possibility to sell their stamps and collections on the postage stamp purchase directly to the auction and trading houses to an agreed fixed price. Contact: Dr.