Car equipment: a simulator sensors Scanner Our company is ready to offer service center equipment. Large range will allow you to choose exactly the model that suits you and Mr. 100%. Car scanner – a device for communication with electronic control of various vehicle systems. Scanner is one of the primary instruments in the diagnosis of car electronic systems. When Thus, the more electronics manufacturers are adopting a construction vehicle, the higher the role of the scanner in the diagnostic process. Do not forget that the Scanner is only an intermediary between electronic and man, that is, provides information such what it 'sees' the control unit (for example, in the event of damage to the wires coming from the air flow to the control unit, the unit will report an error "neisp Diagnostic Scanner motor function tester is a new step in the evolution of diagnostic tools.

Manufacturers of these devices went on the road crossing the scanner motor tester, the main objectives of this had been an increase in the functionality of the device, and well as cost reduction, compared to buying two devices separately. The basis for depreciation was the fact that the scanner and the motor-tester can be designed based on a microprocessor system. Simulator Sensor Simulator crankshaft position sensor. The device mimics the signal of the inductive crankshaft position sensor with setpoint pulley 60-2 (all VAZ and some cars). Allows you to check availability The ignition system of nozzles without winding of the motor, simulating their performance over the entire range of engine speed. Also, the simulator allows the sensors to check the output stages for all electronic actuators control unit. The device allows you to control: without removing the nozzle from the ramp to determine the balance of nozzles, with removal for Strait, to determine their expenditure characteristics in different speed and load modes (with an ultrasonic bath replaces the ultrasound unit) with the lifting for the excitation of the moving system of nozzles when cleaning in an ultrasonic bath, high-current actuators system injection, such as control of idling, etc. (optional) The device allows to measure: the fuel pressure, oil pressure, boost pressure, the pressure of gasoline pumps, the pressure in the catalytic converter compression and negative pressure vacuum in the cylinders; depression in the intake manifold and other systems associated with negative pressure, voltage, resistance, (switching limit measurement of automatic / manual);