We walk together, men and women. If possibly we failed and the time and the triviality win to us, they do not worry. If you died looking for enthusiastic, generously and firmly the happiness, you will have been in your life a slight and pleasant being; you will have been right and happy. – Adalberto Viesca Summary a good manager, must know on the reach, advantages repercussions that to him the PNL generates in interpersonal pro of its performance, relations, mainly in its personal and professional growth, of the interest of this article to enter itself there in the excellent thing to determine the reach and importance of her. Foundations and Antecedents emotional Intelligence is a form to interact with the world that very considers the feelings, and includes abilities such as the control of the impulses, the autoconciencia, the motivation, the enthusiasm, the perseverancia, the empathy, the mental agility, etc. It it forms characteristics of character like the self-discipline, the compassion or the altruism, that are indispensable for a good and creative social adaptation. The concept " Intelligence emocional" it arises like antidote to an educative model that provides enormous amounts to us of information, but nonmechanisms for one better relation with we ourself. As what it serves to know many mathematics if our affective horizon is devastating or we do not have the minimum capacity of reaction before the unforeseen circumstance? Met authors, like Daniel Goleman, they explain, with scientific support and equipment examples, as the instilled instinct of compulsive competition can annul so basic faculties, as to decide by one same one, to be related to normality, to delude by future projects Alcances: To learn that ours quality of life is determined by the quality of our great positive thoughts and optimism like motivating? Aduearte of one same one and to take advantage of our time intelligent way? To develop abilities to maintain the mind-body dominion complete? To learn to put name to him to ours feelings and to identify its origin? To identify that she is what us it makes feel badly? To learn to being happy in moment that must to be happy? To respond emotionally with the suitable person and at the precise moment? To learn that is to say where it is the button that shoots ours conduct moves Repercussions and advantages: One comments, that to have a high intellectual coefficient is not a success endorsement.