Credit gives only the bank, do not seek a loan from a realtor. Loans issued by the Bank, and the Realtor agencies provide mediation services – to help potential borrowers to choose a suitable mortgage scheme commensurate their requests and opportunities to gather documents, etc. 80% of borrowers – people, to exchange their property for the best with the help of a mortgage. To do this you must first estimate of available real estate in the second – the customer’s wishes.
Except addition, banks have special requirements to be bought through a mortgage flat, so finding the right property with the conditions of the bank – also working realtor. The main thing for the borrower – not the cost of an apartment, and income level. When buying an apartment through a mortgage loan, bought real estate is left as a deposit – bank guarantees repayment of the loan. However, the aim of the bank – not only to return the money invested, but also earn an income (interest on credit).
Therefore, the level of income of the borrower imposed strict requirements. The size of the loan depends on the size of the salary. At the request of the bank’s total monthly payments on the loan should not exceed 35-40% of monthly income (formal or informal). Based on the borrower’s income is calculated for the maximum amount of his monthly payment and the amount already paid will depend on the maximum size loan that the bank willing to provide to the client.