3) Aggregation processes (Art. 88, inc 3, CPC) .- In the meeting, or a combination of two or more processes, to avoid conflicting judgments. At the request of a party or ex officio, the judge has the power to order consolidation process. This kind of accumulation of processes provided for in Section 90 CPC case of the backlog of cases, the Code of Civil Procedure points out some important rules: The backlog of cases can only be ordered (assuming a viable order) before they have been sentenced, a request that prevents the issuance of the decision until it resolves the accumulation ultimately requested (Art. 90, first paragraph, CPC).

The backlog of cases is required before any judge, having attached a certified copy of the application and its response, if any. If the order is declared founded the new process builds up the process which has made the first location (Art 90, second paragraph, CPC) Understanding that refers to the process which has produced the first valid notice of demand, which is how the site is produced formally. It does not refer to the mere filing of the application or the date on which the order was issued admisorio instance. In the application for joinder is granted transfer to the opposing party for a period of three days, with his answer or not attending the court shall decide the merits of the evidence together with the order of accumulation (Art 90, third paragraph, CPC) , which must analyze the connection between procedural claim concerning each process and procedural avenue that are substantiated, the decision is appealable without suspensive effect (Art 90, fourth paragraph, CPC) The build will be declared automatically when processes are handled by the same court (Art 90, fourth paragraph, CPC), not discarding the possibility that interested parties upon request.