I tell them just a pinch on the Internet that one just never learn there are always new things to learn, there are always new programs to learn to use and learn their functions. Well to be honest do not know where to start because there are so many things and programs to learn from. Well let's start as my dad, if not start at the beginning where you start and that is the reality. The first thing you do to earn money online is to find a product you can sell and that is to your liking so that what you do fences make good and welcome. But how to find the product? well that's a little difficult because it is certain that the product you want there are many more time than you in this business but that does not limit you that the Internet is skills and that's what else is there in this business .
Well let's do better in steps Step one: Step one is the product and more. Well to find the product but there are many ways that I use is there anything I can find that the public and I are looking for. Well it's like a robot that gives you the percentage and exact numbers of how many days sometimes for months or years in Internet searches for words and that way you can type a word and then the robot as I call it gives you a percentage of how many times a day looking for that word on the Internet.