E here yes, we finish saying ones for the others and we ourselves: it does not advance. It does not depend on us. Ridicule of the thing is that on what does not depend on us, we give our palpites and we empolgamos in and we esbravejamos and we want them solutions. But for what it depends on us, for what it intervenes with our lives, we say that one is about dirty thing, thing on which we do not like to speak, nor of involving in them. This is what it has decades comes occurring in our country. We argue soccer and we refuse in them to argue politics. We have solutions miraculosas for election (and the teamses of which we are torcedores), but we remain incapable to give our opinions, or to intervene with a dispute politics.

It is truth that the candidates in are threaded throat below. nor that let us have nauseas we do not have conditions to vomit them. But this only happens because we have voice for the soccer, and we do not worry in them about the politics. But if it is truth that we had that to swallow the Zagalo, therefore one is about something that runs away from our court of appeals, is not truth that we have that intoxicar in them with the worms that shoot in them in the face. Soccer can be good, interesting, vibrant thing but it does not depend on us; but the routes politicians of our city, of the state and the country, that is of our responsibility. Toward this aspect we would have to come back our attentions, our irritations, ours you criticize and solutions; this is the field with respect to which we must look at, analyze and point the imperfections and to consider solutions.

It is of this field that will come those that increases the taxes, assaults our pocket, in denies health, education and security to them of quality to full underwears and stockings and luggages with our money. this only happens because we prefer to argue soccer in place of the politics. Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian. It reads more: ; ; ; ;