The contractor is repeatedly attacked by consumer advocates, not dead. Despite the warnings again and again so that funded the warnings are entitled? Credit interest rates are bad, the fees high, the consumer watchdogs work out again and again, that contractor is not worthwhile. Nevertheless, the savings is one of the most common investments in Germany. Can all of these savers are wrong? After we in part 1 (contractor – Todgeglaubte live longer – part 1 as financial investment) already found, that in certain cases, at the right price a savings as financial investments can be very attractive at the moment, should be lit here the classic savings as a financing instrument. Applies also here: Trau look who.
Home savings is not useful for any purpose, and not every tariff is suitable. Similar to the stock market, is useful to act counter-cyclically, so buy at low prices, sell at high prices. The average German makes it vice versa. If the shares haussieren, the Bild Zeitung of Stock gains writes, is buying the Germans. The depression is large, the share prices down, dare hardly one in the market. It is similar to the building society savings. The interest rates are high, has any fear, they climb higher still, so secure with home savings against high interest rates.
The interest rates are low, one hears often, why do I need a contractor, a bank loan is also not expensive. The opposite is the case: the interest rates are high, it creates better well his money, the chance that in a few years, the interest rates are lower, and hence the loan cost is high. At the moment, we are in a low interest rate environment. Investment yields 0.5 3.5%. The difference to the credit interest on financing building Association savings agreements is no longer high. If then still rewards can be used by the State, such as Arbeitnehmersparzulage or housing premium, hardly more capital is accumulated as in the savings in a medium-term period.