Cannot be ignored despite the global financial crisis that the world is facing, the fact that is has given way to the operation of the new Treaty on free trade between Costa Rica and the United States. The truth, as the President-elect of the United States Barack Obama that will begin this year to govern the destiny of this country, will find a new Treaty that has begun the first of this new year 2009 free trade with Costa Rica is known everything what has gone through to make this Treaty a reality and which really favours to Costa Rica, Central America, since 2004 comes fighting to achieve his signature and give way to its operation. Remember, Costa Rica signed the FTA on August 5, 2004 along with Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Dominican Republic. In all these countries the Treaty, known by the acronym CAFTA English, entered into force for at least one year and a half. The commercial exchange between these Central American countries and Dominican Republic with United States was superior 32,000 million dollars during 2007, but is expected to fall in 2009 by the financial crisis.

To Costa Rica will be his seventh commercial Treaty in force, as it has agreements with Caricom (Caribbean Community), Mexico, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic and Panama, which entered into force in November, but whose tax relief also began this January 1. The Government of Oscar Arias announced that it plans to begin negotiations for an FTA with Singapore and eventually China, a country that established relations in June 2007. Now world, makes it in the midst of an economic crisis especially for the United States that has been generated, a financial crisis that has seriously impacted on the stock exchanges of the capitalist world. As according to the Ministry of foreign trade, exposes it since the first of January 2009, Costa Rica will enter the U.S.