' ' Important to understand that Hospital Psychology is an exclusively Brazilian specialty, not existing in none another country with this name, and yes as Psychology of the Sade' ' (KERN; BORNHOLD, 2009). Hospital Psychology has as objective main ' ' to minimize the suffering provoked for hospitalizao' ' , what it will demand of the professional psychologist a good handling of the diverse situations that tend to aggravate hospitalization. It agrees to remember that the hospital environment up to 1920 it was private space to the doctor and its patients, not having therefore the recognition of other professional categories, much less work teams. Psychology if inserts inside of the hospitals in middle of the decade of 50, in the hospital of the clinics of So Paulo, and accumulates of stocks other theoretical referenciais, including concepts of the group psychology, of the institucional analysis, the infantile development, the psychoanalysis, amongst others, offering new possibilities of intervention. Of 1980 the 2000 were the specialty inside of the psychology that more grew in Brazil, in accordance with research of the Federal Advice of Psychology (2003). Being therefore the hospital a place of secondary and tertiary attention to the health, hospital psychology also goes to offer individual atendimentos, of groups, psychological, consultoria evaluation, interconsulta and works with teams of different professionals. The theoretical model if exactly extends, due the high complexity of the cases, therefore since the decade of 40 the politics of health in Brazil does not obtain to be preventive, assuming character of secondary attention: clinic and assistencialista, and tertiary: interventionist (SEBASTIAN, 2003). We can, therefore, to assume inside that Hospital Psychology is eminently interventionist, therefore taking care of patient of a hospital is dealing with the tertiary attention to the health, excellent aspect of the countries of third world. It has little space for the preventive assistance to the health in the medicine contemporary (CAPRA, 1982).