New and efficient the TICs had given a jump of gigantic dimensions and to have a free and democratic access to these environments and that it propitiates the informacional inclusion, social, digital, educational and professional, the necessary State to take part of this initiative in concrete, creative way and of much innovation. To have an idea, social initiatives as the Program Stock market Family who the Government comes implementing, currently, do not generate income, do not generate job, do not decide the social problems of the minorities, do not improve the educational system and keep the distant people of the emergent technologies, without possibilities to participate, productively, of the globalizada economy (Branches, 1995). The application of great investments in education and the modification of the current models of education in all the levels and domnios can revert the problem of the digital exclusion. As example, the quality of its educative system is cited the Finnish model that got success in the digital inclusion of its society, improving (Castells, 2005). It is cited, also, the United States whose population is part of a system of management of the knowledge where the education is based on the model to learn to learn throughout the life, having as objective to apply this capacity of learning to all the domnios of the social and professional life (Castells, 2005). With the incorporation of the TICs to the educative process, a new pedagogical paradigm can be oportunizar and concretely be implemented, with potential to produce and rich situations of learning (Castells new, 2005; Branches, 1995). Thus being, one remodels structural needs to be made in the schools in terms of management, of new concepts, methods of education and curricular contents, in order to prepare its professors, as well as the pertaining to school community and the proper administrators to face the new proportionate challenges for the emergent technologies. .