10 Corporate corporate commercial law commercial law is the branch of the corporate law that studies and regulates the merchants of great dimensions, so their main branches are corporate corporate law, certificated corporate, foreign exchange corporate, Stock Exchange corporate, bankruptcy law corporate, of corporate telecommunications, corporate communications, corporate maritime, international trade corporate, lacustrine corporate, among others. 11 Corporate corporate corporate corporate law is the branch of law private, commercial corporate and enterprise that studied and regulated societies as well as associative contracts, but not all kinds of capital, but large capital which grouped. 12. Right corporate certificated certificated corporate law is the branch of the private, commercial, corporate and business law that studies and regulates securities are securities issued or accepted or rotated by large companies, by which the amount of titles is irrelevant values.
13 Corporate foreign exchange law corporate foreign exchange law is the branch of private, commercial, corporate and business law that studies and regulates the securities that are issued or accepted, or rotated by large companies, so it is irrelevant to the amount of values securities. 14. Right corporate Stock Exchange corporate securities law is the branch of the private, commercial, corporate and business law that studies and regulates the securities market in what refers to large companies. 15. Corporate insolvency law corporate bankruptcy law is the branch of private law (but some of the right audience by being procedural law), commercial, corporate and business study and regulates the contest and the bankruptcy of large companies. 16 Corporate telecommunications law corporate telecommunications law is the branch of private, commercial, corporate and business law that studies and regulates communication of large companies through the service of telephony.