Other associations or organisations of the sector as well as scientific institutions, NGO s or foundations, occurring in ((collaboration with some of the beneficiaries listed in paragraphs a) and b) of this article, that will be the signatories of the request and last against the Administration responsible. Article 3. Modality of participation. 1 Projects will be conducted as one of the following ways: to) project or individual collective action: performed by a single entity, being this any of those referred to in paragraphs a) and b) of article 2 of this order. (((b) project or collective action in partnership: performed by more than one entity, among which the entity will be representative and signatory of the request, which may be any of the entities referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of article 2 of this order, and entities with a range of partners, which may be any of the entities listed among the beneficiaries.

Relations between the entities acting in partnership will be formalized through a contract, agreement or partnership agreement that established the rights and obligations of the various participants. 2. Collaborative projects, the requesting entity’s help, be responsible for against the Administration, acting on behalf of other entities that participate in the project. The representative will be responsible for the presentation of the documentation indicated in the article 8, without prejudice to the rights and obligations, arising from the status of beneficiaries have the representative and participating entities. Article 4. Eligible projects. 1. The subsidies provided for in this order will be allocated to the realization of collective actions, understood as a project submitted by an associative entity representative of the sector, acting individually or in collaboration with other entities, which have as their purpose the implementation and realization of a concrete initiative that produces a permanent improvement in the sector’s activity and whose development would have not been possible is if adopted individually by each private company.