Already in the question of the organizacional border it is not cabvel to believe that they are total impermeable. Hall, (1984) affirms that ' ' the organizacional theory currently is suffering the consequences of an smashing emphasis in ambiente' ' (p.23), therefore currently the social forces are influencing the organizations, as much in its action, as well as, in its objectives. Hall, (1984) believes that the social environment has capital importance for the organizations and that the environment physicist, has more importance of what some scholars observe. After the analysis of diverse definitions of organization, Hall, (1984) defines the same one as: (…) a collective with a relatively identifiable border, a normative order, scales of authority, systems of communications and systems of affiliation coordination: this collective exists in a relatively continuous base in an environment and if it engages in activities that are related, usually, with a set of objectives. (p.23) Another form to understand the organizations is for the bias of the studies of the Theory of the Organizations. With the advent of the organizations, researchers of the area of psychology and the administration, had initiated studies on organizations and the behavior of the man, and thus, some models had appeared of the Theory of the Organizations.
According to Motta and Vasconcellos, (2004) Gareth Morgan, in its Images book of organization (MORGAN, 1986) apud (MOTTA; VASCONCELLOS, 2004) brings studies on the Theories of Organizations, where it explains the classic model of organization. In this model, the organization is a system closed and structuralized in objectives that are used to manage all the company, being metaforizada as a machine that is planned to execute definitive functions and not to leave this focus. In the explanation of Motta and Vasconcellos, (2004) this affirmation can be demonstrated thus: (…) it is seen as true ' ' mquina' ' whose diverse gears are planned to function harmoniously in order to reach same the objectives, obeying a common logic of functioning (p.285).