Back to Egypt – novel after a Bayreuth true story, February 17, 2010. Back to Egypt”is a true story about the miserable machinations of an Egyptian man, but also love letter to a particular country. To offer an individual travel services for tourists in Egypt, is the great dream of Isabell and her husband Mahmoud. With her mother’s help, the desire to access seems close. But dramatic events and a sly Egyptians leave the great dream of happiness, love and success to a single nightmare. Back appears after Egypt”just in time for the Leipzig book fair, where the authors Ursula and Katrin Busch work on their experiences in the Oriental country. The novel is more than just dealing with history of mother and daughter, he is also a tribute to the beauty of Egypt. Despite the dramatic events makes the book feel like a country that enchanted by its beauty and cultural diversity. Learn more about this book at: In bookstores or directly from the Publisher ordered: ISBN 9783939478195