They move in the National Congress, has many years, projects of legislative decrees (PDS 19/99) (PDS 52/07) on the invocation of plebiscite regarding the creation of two new states from the dismemberment of Par, as the biggest one been Brazilian. The subdivision or dismemberment of a state alone can directly occur by means of approval of the population interested party, through plebiscite, as consists in 18 Article 3 of the Federal Constitution. Possible the new states will call Carajs and Tapajs. Carajs will occupy part of the south and southeastern paraense being consisting by 39 Cities and Tapajs will be formed by 27 cities that will more than correspond 50% of the current paraense territory. The opinions of them parliamentarians who are against the creation of these federative beings, affirm that the territorial rediviso would increase expenses with new administrative structures and the election of the new parliamentarians. Moreover, it would increase the distortion in the representation parliamentarian inside of the Congress. According to Dep. Celso Sabino de Oliveira (PR), was not clarified if this division is inside of the financial possibility of the region it does not have studies technician who demonstrates the economic-social viability.

The main arguments in favor of this dismemberment are based on the territorial extension of the State of Par. This dimension makes it difficult the management of the regions moved away from the capital and the separation could make possible the socioeconmico progress of the new states. Another sufficiently strong argument is in relation to the states that if had separated and are presenting a bigger development, as Tocantins and Mato Grosso of the South. The State of Par presents the biggest indices of murders and threats of death in the agricultural way according to data it Ministry of Justice. If servant, the state of Carajs will have the biggest index of homicides of the country.