More and more people opt away from the monotony and simplicity of rural areas rediscovering for the life in the city and an urban identity, down to the colourful diversity of urban spaces, the motto. Life moves in the Grunderzeit quarters behind lovingly restored facades in the middle of historic streets, romantic angle and inviting squares again. Stylish apartments and modern town houses compete with serious single-family homes on a greenfield site. A study of the German Institute of Urban Affairs (difu) highlights the growing trend toward urban living. Its author, the social landlord Hasso Bruhl, interviewed people in several major cities for that. Everywhere, the setting for city living is similar: the people, feel comfortable, because they can better maintain social contacts with friends or acquaintances, and in minutes, instead of hours reach the theatre, cinema and Opera. A number of respondents specified even, rather the car to waive, as downtown Back to return.
Most of the people who live today on the outskirts of the city or in the bacon belt, wool return even in the city, so the difu study. Combine amenities of the city with the surrounding residential preferences of the burghers are unique. Want to connect the amenities of the city with those of the surrounding area. To live and work, the city dwellers prefer an urban, functionally and socially mixed environment with diverse environments and differentiated forms of living. Lots of greenery and the closeness to nature are however just as important. For the sociologist Dr. Walter Siebel, the increased trend towards city living related with social as well as economic reasons.
“The desire is closely after the family house as the ideal form of living combined with a family way of life”, he explains. This however in importance lose that hang together to a large extent with the changing role of women. Previously, only the man led a career-oriented life. He was considered as the provider of the family. The Women, however, as guardian of the traditional household and the children. It was her who held back from all obligations outside the man free. This traditional model has served out however. Because women increasingly have a career-oriented life and need to get professional, family and household under a hat. A balancing act that is difficult in the country”, as the city sociologist Hartmut Haley puts it. Living in the countryside of no longer necessarily cheaper Stadtwohnen gaining enormous importance but also by economic changes, because living in the surrounding area is today no longer necessarily cheaper. Both parents are employed, they need usually two cars to get to work and to shop. The children must be brought to school or kindergarten. Facing rapidly rising gasoline prices, long distances and traffic jams, mobility for families in the surrounding area but is increasingly expensive and difficult challenge. Family life is increasingly difficult to organize, If you daily an hour stuck in traffic”, confirms also Hasso Bruhl. Better it go about it in the city. Difu study shows clearly that even families again approaching the cities, if the conditions are right. In addition to a good living environment and enough space for the education of children, jobs play an important role. These arise again in the city. On the one hand, companies appreciate the good infrastructure with fast ways to train stations and airports. Conversely, people who work in the city, want to live here, too. It is therefore clear to Hasso Bruhl: “child and career can be in the city better agree much is as in the bacon belt.”