Of the Vasco, in a game in General Severiano, it had two expulsos players and it lost for the Bangu for 3×0. When the judge validated the room goal, the aggressor Of did not support itself and was to take off satisfactions with the arbitrator. In exchange, he gained a card red. Of he pulled out the card of its hands and tried to tear it. As he did not obtain, since he was plasticized, left running with it in the hand and crying out: ‘ ‘ you gave the card to me, now it you are mine! ‘ ‘ Source: APPEL, Valdir. In the mouth of the goal.

Itaja: S& T, 2006. P. 91. Gascoigne Glasgow Rangers x Hibernian, in the Esccia, in 1995, ran normally. It was when it fell yellow card of the pocket of the Doug arbitrator Smith. Paul Gascoigne, celebrity player of the English election, catou the card and showed to the judge, in trick tone. Doug did not like and retrucou the serious one, applying it Gascoigne, that later still was suspended for two games. Source: EMED. Madnesses of the soccer. 3 imp. So Paulo: Panda, 2005. P. 25. Dimas In 09.07.1986, the Pacaembu, Corinthians x XV of Ja, for returno of the So Paulo championship. The game was 0x0 when Andres, of the XV, was banishes for the arbitrator Antonio Carlos Hail. The players of the Rooster of the Judicial district had surrounded the judge to take off satisfactions and it used to advantage to banish plus one, the Nvio stocking-right. Therefore exactly when it raised the card, the zagueiro Dimas, for backwards, took the card and ‘ to it; ‘ expulsou’ ‘ the arbitrator. Clearly that he was I also banish. Only with eight in field, the XV did not resist and lost for 2×0. Source: PANSIERI Jr, Antonio Carlos (org.). Historical edition: XV of Ja, history, the conquests and the embroidery frames. Ja: XV of Ja, 2004. P. 55. Chico of the Taxi Francisco Imperiano, known as Chico of the Taxi and also Chico of the Musical instrument, deceased in 26.03.2008, was considered the torcedor greater of the bis Sport Club. It made possible and the impossible one to attend all the games of the Worse one of the World. Certain time, while Santa Cruz and Sport if faced in a crowded Arruda, the same hourly, bis and Ferrovirio played before an only torcedor: Chico of the Taxi, is clearly. As a good gotten passionate torcedor, if it did not contain and it started to xingar the judge, whom it did not need to strengthen itself to discover of that torcedor they came the shouts. Only that this judge, Gilson Lamb, were delegated of policy: he banished the twisted entire, that is, the Chico, and ordered the p.m. to remove it of the stadium. The handle of the p.m. that was to fulfill the order considered the Chico: if he was quiet, could remain in the stadium. It is truth that Chico made of everything to attend the bis, only that did not open hand of the sacred right to twist freely preferred to go even so. It was as soon as occurred expulsion of the only torcedor of that departure.