What has to overcome and endure, if your machine takes a tow truck, I had to experience when the car my wife has been subjected to this procedure. So I hasten to share their invaluable way. First, you do not even know what's your favorite tech toys, which is the machine was withdrawn evacuator. You just get out of the car to buy pickled cucumbers in a supermarket, but due to the sluggishness of saleswomen spend it half an hour. Coming back, you realize two things: you have a bank of pickled cucumber, half an hour ago, you was not there, and you do not have a machine that, in contrast, half an hour was in full order. It is not necessary to arrange a panic, but should call 02 and find out whether your car is taken back evacuator. If you respond positively, then it is cause for joy. Then you need to go to the printers.

There is the Penitentiary Service. Not Fear not, there will not be beat. Coming back better than earlier. In the surrounding area are numerous tents selling hot coffee and every kind of food. Remember their locations, because you have to spend is more than one hour. Further it is necessary to take a turn and get the serial number. Service for the evacuation of the car is running with a stubbornness worthy of better application, so the people there will be plenty. If you're in the first fifty dollars, then consider yourself lucky. In the hour car released sins maximum of fifteen men, so it is better to stock up in advance or to go after the receipt of number plates for warm clothes, because even in summer, nights can not be such warm as you can imagine, lying in his bed at home. Evacuation of cars and getting them back is the current procedure and a business for people to help expedite the entire process. How many is such a magic wand, I can not tell, because he did not use their services.