Financial grants allow for a stair lift that more people at home can afford a stair lift. You get financial grants to a stair lift for should Benatragung of a stairway lift man some requirements note. Has man before a stair lift in a House to build, you should advance with several stair lift companies come into contact. If you then chose is a Treppenlifter from many providers, it is to obtain necessary several cost estimates.These are the first steps. Now man from his insurance company an informal request. The application should contain all important data, a good reason why it is angewiessen on a stair lift. Mention of disability, Empfhelenswert is a letter from the doctor. There are usually for individuals who have receive a level of care under the care Act grants.
It doesn’t matter whether the care level I, II, or III exists. The maintenance fund acquires the necessary for maintaining conversion costs-2500 usually per measure. These Grants are not sufficient as a rule eizubauen to a stair lift. In difficult cases, it can be a grant at the local welfare office. But also pension funds can help in many a case, if you are instructed by an accident on a stair lift. Should the grant for a Treppenlifter are rejected, not to recoil at the opposition. Usually, it works with a grant in the second attempt without any problems.
The last and tedious way is the action before the Sozialgericht, it should be represented by a lawyer. There is alternative at Rehahausern after a stair lift used to ask questions are generally much cheaper the cost or interact directly with stair lift manufacturers in contact. There is a selection of used stair lifts. These institutions offer also installments. Dirk STAUDINGER X4d media